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What are the general symptoms of Allergies in Dogs

We all know dogs love to have the odd scratch or two, but when they scratch themselves red and raw its time to take immediate action. If you have a dog doing this, take heed, you are not alone. Recent surveys indicate that at least approximately 10.7% of all dogs suffer from some type of allergy symptoms and that 1 in 5 visits to the vet is allergy related.

There are two main categories of dog allergies

Allergic reactions are produced by your dog’s immune system, and the way his immune system functions is a combination of both nature (his genetic heritage) and nurture (his environment).

Nature and nurture are primarily responsible for the creation of two main types of allergies:

  • Food – If your dog’s symptoms continue year-round, it’s more likely his sensitivity is to something constant in his environment, for instance, something he is eating.
  • Environmental – If your dog gets itchy during Spring, Summer or Autumn he’s probably reacting to seasonal or environmental allergens, which are usually parasitic, of which fleas, ticks and mites are the worst offenders or atopic allergens, which relate to something your dog is breathing in.. 

Food allergies

Food allergies occur when dogs react to eating food that they are allergic to, vomiting and digestive problems are trademark symptoms of food allergies in dogs.

Dietary allergens are responsible for various symptoms including:

  • itchy skin
  • itchy ears
  • Hives
  • Seizures.

Food intolerance can also cause digestive problems such as vomiting and there is a very fine line between diagnosing food intolerance and food allergies, though usually food allergies are accompanied by one or more other symptoms common to allergies. 

Some dogs can suffer from both food allergies and food intolerance

The most common food causing allergies are: eggs, fish, meat, milk/milk products and grains. To be even more specific the most common meats which trigger allergies are:

  • Chicken
  • Beef 
  • Lamb
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Milk and Milk Products
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Wheat


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What can I do to help my best buddy feel more comfortable? Just like people, dogs begin to show allergic symptoms when their immune systems

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